In Sedu183 we were instructed to create a PowerPoint project in which we would instruct a lesson to the grade level of our choice. I made my PowerPoint for a 3rd grade class focusing on science. The lesson was on determining the difference between fact and opinion. I really enjoyed this project because I already had a basic understanding of PPT before begining.
The hardest part for me was deciding what to make my PowerPoint about. The website PA EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS really helped me determine what I would make my lesson about. This website states the standards for each grade level and subject. I found the website extremely helpful. After picking my subject and topic the rest was pretty much just messing around and figuring out what looks good. I loved learning how to embed videos and make effects to my text. At first I was unsure about this project and did not understand fully what I was required to do but after jumping into it I really enjoyed the experience. This project taught me not only about the tools in PPT but also how to create a lesson for 3rd grade students. Presenting the PPT also was helpful because it allowed you to share your lesson with others and receive feedback.
PowerPoint is a very useful tool to use in the classroom and I really liked being pushed to use the program. Overall, I gained alot of knowledge from doing this assignment both inside PowerPoint and inside the classroom. I know that this assignment will become useful to me in the future.
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